Grapefruit season was certainly very highly anticipated his fans. Just like the fans of durian fruit loyal waiting this season each year.

Do not eat grapefruit with the medication ... For those of you who have a problem with high cholesterol, it is advisable to frequently consume grapefruit. Why?

Treatment Of ACNE

Posted by me | 6:04 AM | | 0 comments »

6 Tips to prevent and correct treatment of Acne Pores

Six ways to prevent clogging dirt in pores and acne is to:

1. consumption of foods rich in vitamin drink, or it could be supplemen multi-vitamin.

In addition to being dirty, the appearance of acne that indicate the existence of something not right inside our body. Healthy skin is totally depending on the intake of nutrients we consume. In the middle of the bustle of the crowded, sometimes we are so sure to pay attention to food and nutrition what goes.

Research results in various countries, such as Thailand, the Philippines, and United States (u.s.), showed that circumcision or female circumcision, which is the Act of cutting the foreskin in required in Islam for a muslim man, effectively as one way to prevent transmission of HIV/AIDS epidemic. the results of this research in recomended by the World Health Organization (WHO) at the 9th International Congress on AIDS-Asia Pacific (ICAAP), which took place in Nusa Dua, bali, 9-13 August 2009

You've probably heard the old advice that eating an apple every day can keep you from disease. Well, the same benefits also apply if you are diligent menonsumsi red colored vegetables and fruits such as strawberries, cherries, raspberri, watermelon, tomatoes or other types.

According to nutrition experts, almost all red fruits and vegetables contain substances vital for the body, ranging from vitamins to make healthy antioxidants such as lycopene and anthocyanins.

Piper betle lynn or ordinary we are familiar with the betel leaf is an herb that is very beneficial. It contains antiseptic substances in all parts. In India, Sri Lanka, and Malaysia, this plant is used to treat body odor and breath, canker sores, nosebleeds, rashes and sores, and treat vaginal discharge in women. This is because medicinal plants has been known since 600 BC It contains antiseptic substances that kill germs.

Care about your brain, and it helps if you re-examine the little habits that you take for granted but a negative impact on your brain.

1. No Breakfast
Many people underestimate the breakfast. And do not consume anything in the morning caused a decline in blood sugar levels.

BODY ODOR? No Problem...

Posted by me | 5:57 PM | | 0 comments »

Body odor is indeed identical to the smell of armpits. No wonder if the underarms are areas that require extra care. Moreover, armpits have many histological gland sebaceous glands (sweat glands). This is what causes underarm always wet from other body parts.

Speaking of sweat, everyone actually remove it from birth. However during puberty, the sweat glands are becoming increasingly active and begins to emit a certain chemical substances. As a result, sweat out a stronger smell. And, this distinctive smell appear primarily under the armpit.


Posted by me | 6:29 PM | | 0 comments »

Who wouldn't want to have a thick and beautiful hair? Everyone certainly want it. But not everything can have it. There are some who are experiencing hair loss due to disease, what is the age factor, or shampoo that does not match.

Hair loss and baldness is a scourge that is scary for everybody. Various attempts were made to avoid such problems. Hundreds of thousands of money hovers for hair care in the salon of the famous salon here buy drug preventive care hair loss with assorted brands.

YOU may have difficulty eliminating the bad thoughts when I saw the appearance of the body's own fat and less attractive. Find out the solution of this problem.
A study suggests, for those who want to successfully lose weight start by increasing the "body image" them in the same time.

Basically the "body image" associated with a person's level of confidence behind their own body. Format "living image" is a mix of life experience, personality, and social pressures. Researchers discovered that women who are obese and receive annual health advice can be down 2 percent of their body weight within 1 year.

Before deciding to lose weight, make sure your weight status before the body mass index calculation formula. To find out your body mass index, can be calculated using the formula:

         Body Mass Index /Body Mass Index = Weight Loss : [Height x Height]

Or more simply, you can use the web application features counting Body Mass Index / Body Mass Index on the right side of the display Klikdokter website.

Generally, people who stay fit watching his health, and focus on health to be the best bet to control her weight. Do fat people can fit?

The answer, it could. Dr. Steven Blair, Director of Research at the Cooper Institute of Dallas, Texas, said most people remain fit and healthy while they are a little excess body weight.

They are in a position to hide something puts her in danger. Guilt is just the beginning. Along with the guilt, they are lying, eliminating the truth or keep secrets at risk of health complications.

"For starters, lying releasing stress hormones. These hormones cause increased heart rate and respiration increase, digestion slows down, and hypersensitive in muscle fibers and nerve, "said MD Saundra Dalton-Smith, author of the Set Free to Live Free: Breaking Through the 7 Lies Women Tell Themselves.

Soft drinks, energy drinks or fruit juices made it very popular, but the drink has an adverse effect on your health. On the contrary, there are a couple of drinks even very good for health. What is it?

Fizzy soft drinks and energy drinks, fruit juices contain mostly artificial sugar. This makes it high calories with no nutritional content.

These drinks are good for your health, as reported by Lifemojo, namely:

NOT many know, before marrying the daughter of Yogyakarta Palace Gets a special treatment. That is, starting from the end of the hair to toe with special spices. Uniquely, spices were retrieved in the courtyard of the Palace. This is the secret key care daughters Palace in Java. For example create lulur material i.e. appointment sleigh, turmeric, screwpine, jasmine flowers, flower and ylang ylang. Whereas in order to moisturize the skin treatment using green coconut. Similarly for waging a blood circulation.

Female beauty is certainly not limited to from outside only, but also from within. That's the beauty of a woman who truly are. To get the appearance that looks to shine and privileged, or Javanese people call it with "manglingi", just outside of treatment is certainly not enough. Should women also perform maintenance from within, for example by keeping food, exercise, keep living, meditation, pattern to drink jamu.

Jamu is traditional medicine in Indonesia which is made from natural ingredients, such as root-tubers, leaves, spices, and so on. The bitter taste of herbs usually needs to be coupled to sweeteners and taste more acceptable by the drink.

This is the recipe of facial beauty comes recipes from their ancestors. It could be a myth, but it could be that it is real. Ok let's discuss one by one the 5 secrets of women:

Indonesia is famous for its beauty, heritage recipes including lulur. This treatment is its function to lift the skin cells die and rough skin, so that the back can be fresh shine, and smooth. Lulur traditionally consists of a variety of spices and herbs such as turmeric, temugiring, grains of rice, flour and pandan wangi.

The Magic of EGG

Posted by me | 3:02 PM | | 0 comments »

Behind the nutrient deposits, the eggs are rich in contributing increase the body's cholesterol levels. It was gave rise to the suggestion to the then not eating eggs more than four times a week.

Based on recent research in the United States, the egg is one of the healthiest diet menu of proven over the past few decades. The egg is claimed not as the main cause of increased levels of cholesterol in the blood.

Your home could have saved thousands of substances and bacteria that are harmful to the health of the body. What you breathe or touch at home, could have been made ill.

But, how can the House spread of disease and health disorders?

Here there are 4 possible dangers lurking in your home, as quoted from Lifescript.

1. Spores of mushrooms/fungal spores

DURING sleep, body repair and rejuvenate the skin. Therefore, lack of sleep makes a person look tired and dull looking skin and even cause premature signs of aging, dark circles under eyes and puffy eyes.

In order to sleep more soundly, here's a trick that should and should not be done before bed, among others:

Connecting the hair is often the choice of women to change the appearance, so more beautiful. Because not wait for hair growth, they chose the way that instant.

Apparently according to a recent study, connect the hair had a risk to health is not low. As quoted from Genius Beauty, a health expert Steve O'Bryan hair, from the Institute of Trichologists, reveal some hair loss when someone connects.

Stress is the biggest enemy for women to get pregnant. Various things can cause stress such as busy work, family and other things experienced in everyday life.

For couples who want to get pregnant and have children, then you should start finding a way to relieve stress thereby increasing the chances of getting pregnant, as quoted from Lifemojo, namely:

Most people think negative easier than trying to think positive. Whereas negative thoughts can affect health conditions. Begin to learn to think positively for health.

Several studies indicate that personality optimism and pessimism have much effect on health, disease and welfare of the healing process. Positive thinking is also an important part of effective stress management.

At first glance, might be viewed as a sport cycling is easy to do. Doctor of sports medicine specialist Sports Medicine Section Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, Tanya Rotikan, reminiscent of cycling including sport that requires skill. Indeed most people who can already ride a bike once will be so.
The main skills required in this exercise is balance. Organ to be affected in cycling exercises including the heart and lungs. While the muscles are trained by cycling the leg muscles, arms, abdomen and back. Simply make the body move.

If you remember the carrots, usually remember the color orange. And remember that most animals like to eat carrots, the bunnies. Now we're not talking about rabbits, but the carrot. The carrot with variety of colour and usefulness.

It turns orange-colored vegetables has been known since the 1st century AD Because of a very distinctive aroma, once people grow carrots to take the leaves and flowers only, not the tuber as it is now.

There are many ways to lose weight, start reducing the size of the meal, diet or exercise. But at least there are 5 ways to lose weight without dieting or exercise. What?
Increase the activity or exercise is the best way to burn calories and lose weight. But for people who do not have much time, how it can not be the first choice.

Drinking coffee is a popular habit among us, both for western societies, and communities east. Various groups do not recognize caste, degree, dignity in a society much like it. Start of construction workers, domestic servants to the office employees, officials, and the president with his ministers or kings and queens though.

So drinking coffee is a habit that has been popular in the community. Here are some tips for coffee enthusiasts.

Irritation, red-red, itching and odor is a nuisance that can occur because not diligent in cleaning Miss V. Female sex organs are vulnerable to bacteria because it is part of the body that is often damp because of the lack of air circulation.
Therefore, it is very important to maintain cleanliness and hygiene in the area around the vagina in order to avoid the various venereal diseases that may be dangerous. Do it quite simple and not difficult. Provided you are patient and routine, the impact will be very useful for the health of sex organs in the long run.

Did you know sweet potatoes? Sweet potato was different, depending on the tuber flesh color in it. There are white, some red, and there are purple.

Purple sweet potato food that is usually viewed as tacky or 'ndeso' or 'kampung'. Although food and plebeian 'ndeso' many health benefits to be gained from this sweet, even very far from today's modern food (fast food).


Posted by me | 4:49 PM | | 0 comments »

THERE are two newspapers that you can know about headaches. The good news, the food is delicious, hot weather, even a colleague, or boss can cause headaches. While the bad news, the risk of headache attacks can be reduced.

What causes headaches and how to cure? Genius Beauty review it for you.

Stress caused migraine

Anything that increased stress can cause headaches that gives tension or migraine. Headache associated with increased sensitivity neural pathways in the brain, which transfers the pain.

All of us would want a healthy body and look younger right? No need to go to a beauty salon or fitness group that is mushrooming today. In addition will also take no small cost we will incur.

The most expensive and most easily carried out is on foot.

Walking turned out to not only create a healthy body only. Activities that one can also make the body stay young inside and out. This happens because by walking, the cells of our body will get enough oxygen and the production of collagen is more active. This is beneficial for the skin because the humidity is always awake.

the Magic Plant, CENTELLA ASIATICA.. [Ginko Biloba Indonesian version]
(Improve memory, very good for kids ...*)

The Magic Indian pennywort

This plant is a plant native to Indonesia who are spread throughout Southeast Asia and islands throughout the Indonesian Ocean. This plant is known as Indian pennywort. In addition to this plant Centella asiatica has a name based on the mention in their respective areas such as antanan, panegowang, Rendeng, antenan big, kos-tekosan, Centella asiatica, kori-kori.

In Islamic medicine honey is known, other than to cure various diseases as well as for food additives.

"From the belly of bees came out of liquids with different colors, in it there is healing for mankind." (Surah An-Nahl: 69)

Honey is food containing various nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, dextrin, plant pigments and Aromatic components. Even from the results of expert research Nutrition and food, honey contains a carbohydrate which is highest among the other livestock products are milk, eggs, meat, cheese and menterga approximately (82.3% higher) Every 100 grams of pure honey is worth 294 calories or the ratio of 1000 grams honey pure equivalent to 50 chicken eggs or 5.675 liters of milk or 1680 grams of meat. From the results of a recent study found the substances or compounds that are in the honey is very complex, which reached 181 species.

In the stillness of the night, and dim atmosphere, really good sleep after a day of work. And it turned out darkness approached the dimly lit atmosphere is very good for the health of our bodies. Want to know more?

Dark night secretly collaborated with body. Only in a state that is really dark body produce melatonin, a hormone in the immune system is able to fight and prevent various diseases including breast cancer and prostate cancer. at night Day - no matter how small its rays cause hormone melatonin production stops.

besides saving energy, by turning off the lights when you sleep is a natural way to improve the health of the body

EXPOSURE radiation from mobile phones can cause brain cancer. The conclusion was announced after the World Health Organization held a meeting with 31 scientists from 14 countries recently.

The danger of radiation exposure through cell phones (mobile phone) is has long been discussed. Public disquiet about this is fulfilled. Recently, the UN World Health Organization (WHO) confirmed if cell phone radiation can trigger cancer. Now, WHO to categorize the use of mobile phones as a "dangerous carcinogenic substances cause cancer," as well as lead, engine exhaust, and chloroform.

Almost all of us already know cancer is a disease. Slightest symptoms should never be ignored. Is still a small lump, or swelling of hardened or even not show the signs, symptoms of concern.

Cancer is a disease is a scourge for many people. However, cancer can still be treated if diagnosed early. For that, there are some symptoms of cancer need to be aware and should not be ignored.

Early symptoms of cancer are often ignored by patients because they can disappear by itself. Whereas the earlier the cancer is detected, the greater the life expectancy of patients.

At least 11 partners are the symptoms of cancer that should not be ignored.

Savor the Magic Tempe

Posted by me | 4:21 PM | | 0 comments »

Who does not know "tempeh"? Indonesian food, especially as a friend Rice in the daily diet. Economical food that is always there in every diet of Indonesian society. But not many people know that power behind the food that tastes delicious, it's cheap and easy to obtain this.

Tempe often found at home and at food stalls, as a side dish and a complementary dish. But tempeh poorer not just a simple meal. Tempe has a content and better digestibility value compared to soybean.

Tempeh is a fermented food from soybean tempeh fungus Rhizopus Oligosporus.Pada increase the nutritional value of approximately 2-fold after soy fermented into tempeh, such as vitamin B2, vitamin B12, niacin, and pantorenat acid.

Panacea for youth

Posted by me | 10:26 AM | | 0 comments »

Many people are looking for a panacea to maintain youthful skin. But no drug is truly efficacious makes people always young. Healthy eating habits and experience can help you always fit so as to make the appearance of youth.

The skin can maintain tight when your body healthy and fit. One way to get this is to always eat healthy food.

Here are some nutrients that could be a panacea to make you young.