YOU may have difficulty eliminating the bad thoughts when I saw the appearance of the body's own fat and less attractive. Find out the solution of this problem.
A study suggests, for those who want to successfully lose weight start by increasing the "body image" them in the same time.

Basically the "body image" associated with a person's level of confidence behind their own body. Format "living image" is a mix of life experience, personality, and social pressures. Researchers discovered that women who are obese and receive annual health advice can be down 2 percent of their body weight within 1 year.

But those who follow weight loss system with a group and discuss personally can decrease 7 percent a year. So that was featured Dailymail, Tuesday (07/19/2011).

Researchers from the Technical University of Lisbon and Bangor University reported this research to the International Journal of Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity.

Study leader Dr Pedro Teixeira from the Technical University of Lisbon said,
'Problem' body image 'is most common among those who are overweight and obese. Leads to discomfort and consumption of diet to eat more, making it difficult to lose weight. These researchers showed the strong bond between the image of the body better able to reduce concerns about the opinions of others, and a more positive changes to eating habits. From here, we believe that the most healthy way to maintain weight is to accept and love our own bodies. "

The study was conducted on 239 overweight women who have a Body Mass Index 31.5, where BMI between 18.5-24.9 healthy women.

Researchers found that weight-loss system with a group capable of improving the effectiveness of weight loss is based on good nutrition and exercise. Together they follow the 30 week session system that consists of exercise, emotional eating, and increase the "body image" are discussed together to break down personal boundaries about weight loss and dieting mistakes.