Before deciding to lose weight, make sure your weight status before the body mass index calculation formula. To find out your body mass index, can be calculated using the formula:

         Body Mass Index /Body Mass Index = Weight Loss : [Height x Height]

Or more simply, you can use the web application features counting Body Mass Index / Body Mass Index on the right side of the display Klikdokter website.

If the calculated Body Mass Index (BMI) above your ideal number ie, 18.5 then you are categorized as obese.

Required little effort to realize your desire to have the ideal body weight. The key is discipline. Any sophisticated method of your diet, if not accompanied by a commitment to discipline in the implementation, then it's useless.

In addition, knowledge of nutrition was also important. Due to the existence of a fundamental understanding of nutrition and nutrients, it will be easy to get the meaning of weight loss program activities. That remains to combine the energy intake through proper nutrition intake with energy expenditure or the balance accompanied by exercise.

One thing that is fundamental and most important, consult your doctor or your trusted nutritional consultant before doing a diet. Because if you do the diet without any indiscriminate reviewing your health condition of the competent authorities, it will enlarge the failure of diet or even bring about new problems in your body.

Eliminate your expectations to lose weight in a flash and instant. Weight loss can drastically increase the potential to bring disease.

Live weight loss process slowly. Important to have this in order to facilitate the process of adaptation condition of the body. The development progress of the diet of a pound per week figure was the ideal figure. Thus the progress of 2 to 2.5 pounds per month can be achieved.

Some important points to note:

* Reduce consumption of fatty foods.
* Expand to eat fruits that contain water 1 hour before meals. Avoid eating fruits such as durian, mango,     banana and jackfruit.
* Eat rice between 150-200 grams in one serving a meal.
* Do not eliminate any one-hour meal. Often the opposite is not reached by diet dinner, avoid this sort of pattern. Suffice it to replace the menu with more quality in harmony with the purpose of weight reduction. Because your body retains the right nutrition.
* At dinner, eat under the 7 pm and taste.
* Expand fibrous vegetables.
* Also avoid eating snacks and noodles.
* Exercise routine three times a week for 30 minutes.

For most people, losing weight is not easy issues. There are various ways offered by the various parties. But again it is important to remember, first consult with a health worker or doctor you trust. Because the diet that will be need to be adjusted to the condition of your body and your health situation