BODY ODOR? No Problem...

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Body odor is indeed identical to the smell of armpits. No wonder if the underarms are areas that require extra care. Moreover, armpits have many histological gland sebaceous glands (sweat glands). This is what causes underarm always wet from other body parts.

Speaking of sweat, everyone actually remove it from birth. However during puberty, the sweat glands are becoming increasingly active and begins to emit a certain chemical substances. As a result, sweat out a stronger smell. And, this distinctive smell appear primarily under the armpit.

Excessive sweat production, plus body odor that sting is certainly could make us become less confident.

How to prevent and address the problem of sweat and body odor? Kathleen m. Cronan, MD, in his article Hygiene Basics, give some solutions.

* Frequent baths.
The best way, the most secure, and efficient, to get rid of body odor and maintaining the cleanliness of the body is a bath at least twice a day with a gentle soap and warm water. This will help pull out all the bacteria that cause odors.

* Clean the underarm area.
Don't forget to clean the armpits because of interference from body odor. The cause of the smell of this is the number of bacteria that are gathered in the area. So always clean the armpits with SOAP antiseptic bath each time. After the bath, dry with towel, tissue, or wipe dry. You should avoid wearing perfumed powder due to the likelihood of incompatible with the production of sweat, and instead increased odors.

* Change underwear.
Wear and replace always underwear and clothes are clean every day. Select underwear made of cotton due to effectively absorb sweat. Maintain cleanliness of body and clothing would not merely address the problem of overproduction of sweat and body odor which is not bad, but also the effect on your health as a whole.

* Use deodorant.
Select a deodorant containing antiperspirant deodorant because this type of work drying, even stopping transpiration under the armpit. This could take the form of a deodorant roll on, sticks, or cream. Avoid using deodorant powder form because in addition to causing a sow burning in the armpits, the powder will discolor usually sow the armpit. Just use deodorant antiseptic is capable of killing bacteria cause body odor.

* Don't use deodorant when you are sweating.
This will cause the armpits look wet. It also would cause the less pleasant odor. Flush and dry your armpits first, just wear deodorant. Be careful also with the deodorant containing perfumes. If the content of perfume does not match the sweat glands can occur, decay, and armpit odor grew.

* Use perfume (as necessary).
Perfume is used to add fragrance body, and cover the smell of sweat is probably still a little off when you are under the blazing sun. Select fragrances according to convenience and taste. Make sure not to affected the famous brands at a great price, much less on ads that are assured that they will not have a friend or girlfriend if you don't use the product.

* Translation: Inglourious feather hospital stays.
Don't let the armpit hairs grow too long. Armpit hairs that are too long will be the gathering place of germ-germ causes body odor. So, shaving or cut is routinely underarm to make it look more clean and tidy. Should be sheared or revoked? When shaved, the growing feathers will be sharper. If revoked, fur grows more experienced, more gently, and it doesn't itch. However if you have lots of underarm, preferably shaved just so as not to drain the power. Wash underarms to clean with SOAP antiseptic. Make sure also l'appareil already washed with alcohol levels of 10 per cent. Similarly, if you choose to revoke. Make sure the tool in a State of the net, because if the skin feels sick means inflammation, and mark can be black.

* Note your intake.
Avoid eating spicy food and contain a lot of garlic, onions, and red onion. If consumed too much, the three types of vegetables will stimulate the secretion of sweat a lot that could lead to the emergence of body odor. Do not also consume food that raises the heat in the body, such as mutton.

* Lots of drinking water.
Don't forget white water consumption, so that the water that was conceived by the body for the better. This will cause sweat more dilute so it doesn't smell. In addition to white water, perbanyaklah fruit and vegetable containing water.