Most people think negative easier than trying to think positive. Whereas negative thoughts can affect health conditions. Begin to learn to think positively for health.

Several studies indicate that personality optimism and pessimism have much effect on health, disease and welfare of the healing process. Positive thinking is also an important part of effective stress management.

Thinking positive does not mean one should always hide his head in the sand and ignore the less pleasant living situation. But enough with how to deal with the unpleasant things in a more positive and productive.

Start thinking with logic and reason because often the misunderstanding that occurs due to lack of information.

If the thought of walking in someone's head mostly negative, his views on life are more likely pessimistic. And opposite, if someone always thinks positive then he will tend to be optimistic.

The health benefits of positive thinking as reported Mayoclinic, include:

1. Increasing life expectancy
2. Lower levels of depression
3. Lowering stress levels
4. Has the effect of resistance to the flu
5. Effects of psychological and physical well-being better
6. Reducing the risk of death from cardiovascular disease
7. Can provide both the ability and skills to deal with stress.

One theory states that have a positive outlook enables a person to cope better with stressful situations, which may ultimately reduce the harmful health effects of stress on the body.

People who think positive and optimistic also tend to live a healthy lifestyle with more physical activity, follow a healthy diet, and reducing levels of smoking and alcohol consumption.

Begin discard negative thoughts from your head, open yourself to humor, friendship, and love and strengthen their beliefs or spiritual beliefs.

For a Musleem, then positive thinking is highly recommended, in accordance with the recommendation to always prejudice either to any situation that occurs. Even if we're in trouble, remain prejudiced either to Alloh, and continue to be patient.

Finally, if we think positive and be patient, that's the key to happiness.

"It's amazing the case of a believer [mu'min]. If he can have some fun so he was grateful [to Alloh]. And if he got the distress the patient. Surely it is only there in a Mu'min/believer [of Islam]" (Hadith)