If you remember the carrots, usually remember the color orange. And remember that most animals like to eat carrots, the bunnies. Now we're not talking about rabbits, but the carrot. The carrot with variety of colour and usefulness.

It turns orange-colored vegetables has been known since the 1st century AD Because of a very distinctive aroma, once people grow carrots to take the leaves and flowers only, not the tuber as it is now.

Plants are rich in vitamin A, fiber, sugars, carotene, potassium, and magnesium on the market can be found in a variety of form and color. In addition to the plural color orange carrots are known, other colors of carrots. Bone white, purple, up to maroon.

The various colors of carrots.

For example a white carrot. Noted as a native plant of Europe, white carrot does not have a color pigment, but the fiber content trustworthy health support.

 Carrot orange as much we consume, rich in vitamin A which is good for the eyes and the body's immune system because the content of beta and negligent karotennya.

While the purple color in carrots is believed to ward off heart attacks and strokes, as well as an antioxidant and is able to combat free radicals because the content of pigment anthocyacanin, beta and alpha carotene. Purple carrots are usually grown in Afghanistan, Turkey to the Middle East region.

Carrot red with active vitamin D is believed to overcome the symptoms of prostate cancer because the content of lycopene and beta carotene. Carrot red color is the plural found in the region of India, Japan, and China.

Yellow carrots are often found in Afghanistan, Turkey, and countries in the Middle East consumed much for being able to nourish the senses of sight and prevent cancer because of its rich xanthophylls and lutein.

Carrots are actually put into two categories, namely eastern carrots and western carrots. Carrots east was first cultivated in Afghanistan since the 10th century AD The color of carrots from here mostly purple. Meanwhile, western carrot was first cultivated in Holland around the 15th century more orange. Just like that has been known to the public.

Compared with an orange, purple carrots contain more antioxidants and vitamin A. Hence purple carrot is often dubbed as a Beta Sweet Carrot, because the content betakaroten 50 percent more than orange carrots.

By knowing the content and properties of carrots, you can process them into anything. Whether eaten raw as a salad, served as a snack after boiled, fried, or in the oven. Processed into cream soups, red soup, or plain vegetable soup. Created as a carrot cake or carrot muffins. Carrots can also be processed menjai jam. With a different face, carrots can be served to lure the kids to like vegetables.

As a garnish or decoration and food sweeteners were carrots as well stay beautiful. Besides beautify the appearance of food, garnishes carrots can also be directly consumed. [sjh]