Research results in various countries, such as Thailand, the Philippines, and United States (u.s.), showed that circumcision or female circumcision, which is the Act of cutting the foreskin in required in Islam for a muslim man, effectively as one way to prevent transmission of HIV/AIDS epidemic. the results of this research in recomended by the World Health Organization (WHO) at the 9th International Congress on AIDS-Asia Pacific (ICAAP), which took place in Nusa Dua, bali, 9-13 August 2009So at the pass by the Chairman of the Congress was Prof. Dr. Zubairi Djoerban told reporters at the center of activities in the follow on by 3000 delegates dai 65 games. He delivered in general Asian countries Paisfik in Congress in Bali this time has approved the application of circumcision as a way of prevention of HIV/AIDS,
However, according to Zubairi, submit to the implementation of circumcision in each country, because it is a recommendation. The most important in the future is implementation of circumcision as a way of prevention of HIV/AIDS in the Asia-Pacific region, yet still stuck to the issue of religious differences.

Although it has been scientifically proved, in the implementation still terbentu problems SARA. What about religion? This is a challenge, said Zubairi.

He gave the example of the Philippines, although the Christian society, all circumcised. Then also in the United States (u.s.), almost 80 per cent of the population in circumcision.