Soft drinks, energy drinks or fruit juices made it very popular, but the drink has an adverse effect on your health. On the contrary, there are a couple of drinks even very good for health. What is it?

Fizzy soft drinks and energy drinks, fruit juices contain mostly artificial sugar. This makes it high calories with no nutritional content.

These drinks are good for your health, as reported by Lifemojo, namely:
1. White Water
White water is a liquid most basic needs of the human body. Water is required to play a function in the brain, kidneys and heart. Proper hydration helps keep joints and lubrication of the muscles. Water can even help you lose weight by suppressing appetite and accelerates metabolism. It is recommended to drink 8 glasses of water every day.

2. Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Juice
Fruit and vegetable is urgently needed for good health, but mengonsumsinya with regular sometimes boring can be eaten, so enjoy it fruit juice or vegetable is one good choice. But you should not add a lot of sugar on fresh juice.

3. Green tea
Green tea is a storehouse of minerals and antioxidants. This can increase your metabolism so that it helps to lose weight, the brain becomes relaxed, improve cardiovascular health and can even control your diabetes and eczema.

Flavonoid and polyphenol contained in green tea may help boost your immune to an outstanding level, and content of catechins present can eliminate the sleepiness and worked as a deduction of stress.

4. Milk
The calcium in milk not only helps strengthen bones but also contribute to the damage of fat stored in fat cells in the body. If you are planning on losing weight or fear with the fat content in milk, skim milk, choose.

5. Coffee
Coffee is also a healthy when consumed do not drink too much (1 or 2 cups per day). Caffeine has long been known to increase vigilance. In addition, caffeine is also known to be able to protect the body from Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer 's, certain forms of heart disease and colon cancer.

Recent research also shows that moderate doses of caffeine can post exercise muscle soreness mengurangu up to 48 percent, making it easier for beginners to transition from the first week of the training program is longer.