At first glance, might be viewed as a sport cycling is easy to do. Doctor of sports medicine specialist Sports Medicine Section Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, Tanya Rotikan, reminiscent of cycling including sport that requires skill. Indeed most people who can already ride a bike once will be so.
The main skills required in this exercise is balance. Organ to be affected in cycling exercises including the heart and lungs. While the muscles are trained by cycling the leg muscles, arms, abdomen and back. Simply make the body move.
Cycling is one type of aerobic exercise, in addition to gymnastics, jogging, and swimming. Cycling can be done as physical activity, as a physical training exercise alias, or also as a sport or exercise. Physical activity includes daily activities that involve body movements. Including all our daily activities, such as writing or sweep the floor, and biking leisurely to stall.

But, of course physical activity is not optimal in providing health benefits. Another with physical exercise. Activities include this physical exercise is an activity that meets a certain target heart rate. For example cycling within a certain distance or a certain speed. While cycling as a form of exercise usually involves competition. This type of course specifically for athletes with its own requirements.

As an exercise you can do all the circles, but without competition, cycling is a physical exercise. This means that cycling should be able to stimulate the heart rate in accordance with the target. Thus, its function as an exercise that increases the ability of the heart and lungs will be more optimal. Target heart rate is usually used in physical training is meeting the figure of 60% -85% of 220 minus age. For example, we are 20 years of age, mean target heart rate is 60% of the 200, which is 120 beats per minute.

Cycling well done if complete with heating and cooling, such as general physical exercise. It should be noted, too, whether the exercise was done correctly.
People with asthma or heart disease, for example, are advised to consult with her doctor about what exercise is suitable for the condition.

For aerobic exercise, cycling for fitness would be optimal if performed three to five times a week, to meet the target heart rate. It just means they started gradually, first one or two times a week. Only slowly increased.
Of course, exercise is done in a measured, too. Ideally, exercise cycling, like other aerobic exercises, performed 20 to 60 minutes a day, for example cycling 10 minutes in the morning, and 10 minutes in the afternoon. The burning of calories due to cycling is also dependent on the speed, weight, and gender. Average calories burned with any aerobic exercise is 300 to 500 calories per hour.

Description about cycling exercise it applies to two types of cycling, the cycling static and dynamic cycling. Of course some of the factors for cycling outdoors can be a consideration. For example sun and pollution and free radicals.

In addition to fun, cycling makes the body so staying in shape. Here are some interesting facts about cycling.

• Riding a bike can save your life! A study involving 13,375 women and 17,285 men, and followed their custom bike to work. As informed, the habit is proven to reduce the risk of death by 40%.
• According to the American Heart Association, physical activity such as cycling is done routinely every day would be beneficial:

1. Lowering the risk of heart disease because cycling can accelerate blood circulation throughout the body.
2. Maintain weight.
3. Keeping cholesterol levels in the blood.
4. Avoid and regulate high blood pressure.
5. Prevent bone loss.
6. Improve fitness and energy.
7. Help avoid stress.
8. Relieve stress or muscle tension.
9. Helps sleep quality.
10. Help increase confidence and optimism.
11. Is one opportunity to strengthen the relationship of socialization, either with family or with relatives.

• In also mentioned that riding a stationary bike for an hour can burn about 300 calories. While the dynamic cycling for half an hour and is performed routinely every day can help eliminate the 5.5 pounds of fat in one year. Of course, exercise is ideally performed routinely every day. That way, the weight can still be maintained. Especially if accompanied by a healthy dietary changes.

• Studies also show, cycling and running quickly can improve cardiovascular fitness levels by 3% -7%. Exercise is also beneficial to lower cholesterol up to 5% and 3% weight loss with regular frequency for 15 weeks.

• Another study, still from the same site, proving the workers who regularly cycled 20 miles in one week will be more protected from heart disease than their colleagues who are not cycling. Of course other factors need to be considered, such as smoking, obesity levels, cholesterol levels and blood pressure.


Here are some tips exercise cycling, especially in big cities like Jakarta:

• Adjust the saddle height position corresponding to the length of the bike leg. When the position of the pedals at the bottom, the leg should be bent slightly. Limbs do not get the position because it would burden the knee straight.

• Set also the position of bicycle handlebars. As well as legs, arms do not come to the straight position because it would burden the elbow. Keep elbows slightly bent with your spine relaxed, not too tall and not too forward. Right position and not tense will prevent injury.

• Avoid holding the handlebar grip is too hard so as not to interfere with blood circulation in the hands and arms.

• Position the body with a relaxed, not tense. Make sure you are comfortable position when I started cycling. Note the saddle, spine, arms, and legs.

• For security and comfortable, try to also wear clothing that absorbs sweat and not tight. Clothes that are too tight will disrupt blood circulation and respiration.

• Choose a bicycle saddle which is usually also specially designed with grooves. Make sure the seat does not suppress the genital area or cause pain. An uncomfortable saddle will make blood flow in the body, especially in the genital area, disturbed.

• Complete security and safety devices with protective headgear or helmet, knee and elbow protectors. Protecting the head is absolute.

• Prepare the drinking water during the cycling. Lest you become dehydrated, aka lack of fluids. You are advised to drink water every 15 minutes during the cycling.

• Note also the time you ride it. The ideal time to exercise outdoors is at 06.00 till 09:00, and 15:00 until 17:00. At those times, the sun provides vitamin D which can thicken bone and prevent osteoporosis. Sunscreen could be an option, but by applying solar tabis on the skin, meaning the absorption of vitamin D from the sun will be hampered.

• Use boots during cycling exercise. If you're just a casual bike ride, the Mass walk or bike to a neighbor's house, using the sandal is fine. But as physical exercise, use of comfortable sneakers intended as shock loads and avoid injury.

• Choose well and safe road environment for your condition. Remain cautious when through the cobbled streets, slippery, or a busy road motor vehicles. Cities such as Yogyakarta is already providing a special lane cyclists. But for cities that do not provide bike lanes, may yield the best alternative for a while.

• Do not fuss spending problem. Prices mountain bike can be started from Rp800 thousand to unlimited. Bike2Work even working with a mountain bike manufacturers producing a bike for the streets of Jakarta. Specifications are mountain bikes that can be used for semi-cross-country. The design is ergonomic, fitted for the streets of Jakarta. ***