Grapefruit season was certainly very highly anticipated his fans. Just like the fans of durian fruit loyal waiting this season each year.

Do not eat grapefruit with the medication ... For those of you who have a problem with high cholesterol, it is advisable to frequently consume grapefruit. Why?

A grapefruit in size much larger than most oranges in General, it also has the benefits of vitamin and as great as its size.

Grapefruit is not only contain vitamin C helps increase the immunity of the body, but also the antiaging reliably. In addition, the color pink on the fruit of pomelo indicates a lycopene, one of the antioxidants which help fight free-radical induced cell aging. It also helps lower the risk of prostate cancer, colon cancer, and lung cancer.

The soluble fiber makes pomelo is also friendly with the digestive system. Even effectively dilute the cholesterol and prevent cholesterol enters the circulatory system. It certainly lowers the risk of high blood pressure and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

To maximize the benefits of pomelo, you can eat the Peel, lho! Grapefruit skin is very rich in vitamin C, but remember, there are a number of abstinence time consume this fruit. Don't ever eat it along with the drug. One substance in grapefruit will bind enzymes naturally present in the gut, reducing the absorption of certain types of drugs on the body as a barrier to drug antidepresi drugs and calcium.