EXPOSURE radiation from mobile phones can cause brain cancer. The conclusion was announced after the World Health Organization held a meeting with 31 scientists from 14 countries recently.

The danger of radiation exposure through cell phones (mobile phone) is has long been discussed. Public disquiet about this is fulfilled. Recently, the UN World Health Organization (WHO) confirmed if cell phone radiation can trigger cancer. Now, WHO to categorize the use of mobile phones as a "dangerous carcinogenic substances cause cancer," as well as lead, engine exhaust, and chloroform.

A team of 31 scientists from 14 countries, including the United States, made the decision after reviewing the studies that have been reviewed by peers (peerreview) related to mobile security. The team has discovered sufficient evidence to categorize exposure (mobile phone radiation) as "likely to be carcinogenic to humans".

That means, they find some evidence of increased glioma and acoustic neuroma brain cancer for mobile phone users, but has not been able to draw conclusions for other types of cancers. In fact, before his WHO convince consumers that mobile phone use does not cause adverse health effects.

"The biggest problem we have, we know that many environmental factors take a large role on the exposure (radiation) for several decades, before we really see the consequences (actual)," said Dr. Keith Black, chief of neurology at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, United States, as quoted by CNN.

This type of radiation that comes out of the phone called non-ionizing (non-ionizing). This is different to that found in X-rays, but more like a high-powered microwave oven is very low.

"Radiation emitted by microwave is the simplest similar to what happens to food in the microwave, basically like a 'cook' the brain," said Black.

"So, in addition lead to the development of tumors and cancer, there may be a variety of other effects, such as cognitive decline in memory function because of the temporal lobe (part of the cerebrum of the brain as a processor of short-term memory) is a place where we usually put the phone," he continued.

Industry responded to the WHO's announcement by stating that "No means phones cause cancer." Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association and Wireless (CTIA-The Wireless Association) confirms that WHO does not conduct new research, but reviewing older studies that have been published. European Environment Agency (the European Environmental Agency) made to encourage further study, which determined that the phone can be as great danger to public health such as smoking, asbestos, and leaded gasoline.

Head of a prominent cancer research institute at the University of Pittsburgh, United States, sent a memo to all employees and urging them to limit cell phone use because of possible cancer risks.

"When you look at the spread of cancer, particularly brain cancer, it certainly will take some time to develop. I think a good idea to give such a public warning that the long-term exposure to radiation from your cell phone may be causing cancer," said Dr. Henry Lai , research professor in biotechnology at the University of Washington, United States, who has studied radiation for more than 30 years.

Largest international study linking cell phones and cancer risk was released in 2010. The conclusion shows, the participants in the study who use mobile phones for 10 years or older, proven two-fold increased glioma, a type of tumor. Until recently, there has been no long-term studies on the effects of cellphone use among children.

"The skull and scalp is thinner children. Thus, the radiation may penetrate deeper into the brains of children and young people. Their cells are at a faster rate cut so that the effects of radiation can be much larger," said Black.

In February, a study by researchers at the National Institutes of Health reveals, if the radiation emitted by mobile phone after calling about 50 minutes just to increase activity in brain cells. However, the influence of brain activity which is artificially stimulated remains unknown.

Neurosurgeon and CNN chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta says, the announcement of the WHO as a serious blow to those who have long claimed that there is no possible mechanism for the phones can cause cancer.

"With mobile grouping most likely as a carcinogen, they also seem to secretly admit that the mechanism could have been there," he said.

Famous mobile phone manufacturer actually warns consumers to keep their devices away from the body and medical experts say that there are other ways to minimize the cell phone radiation. ***