the Magic Plant, CENTELLA ASIATICA.. [Ginko Biloba Indonesian version]
(Improve memory, very good for kids ...*)

The Magic Indian pennywort

This plant is a plant native to Indonesia who are spread throughout Southeast Asia and islands throughout the Indonesian Ocean. This plant is known as Indian pennywort. In addition to this plant Centella asiatica has a name based on the mention in their respective areas such as antanan, panegowang, Rendeng, antenan big, kos-tekosan, Centella asiatica, kori-kori.

Centella asiatica including tropical annual plant that flowers throughout the year. Shape rounded leaves, the trunk is soft and segmented, and the spread up to could reach three feet in height. In each segment will grow roots and leaves with long leaf stalks and roots are white. With multiply vegetatively like that, he quickly offspring. If state land is great, every link that touches the ground will grow into new plants.

Centella asiatica can grow to a height of 2,500 m above sea level. Type of plants without stems, with short rhizome and stolon-creeping stolon length of 10-80 cm. Roots out of every hump, with branches that will form new plants. Leaves are single (one), stem length of about 5-15 cm with a form of human kidney. Slightly serrated leaf edge with a cross-section arranged in a rosette 1-7 cm, consisting of 20-10 leaves.

If flowering, white or pink color, tiered like an umbrella-shaped wreath of single or 3-5 axillary bud out from Centella asiatica. Also bear fruit that is oval shaped or flat from 2 to 2.5 mm in length. It smells fragrant and tastes bitter.

The part used as medicine are the leaves and the part that is above the soil surface. As medicinal plants, gotu kola has been used mainly by people of India, Pakistan, Malaysia, and Indonesia. He is believed to increase the resilience of the body (long life), cleans the blood, and facilitate the urine. Centella asiatica is used to cure even leprosy (chronic infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae) and tuberculosis (TB). In the news about the former care cuts, or often called keloids, often called the name of the substance madecasoide. This substance is considered to remove keloids. This substance is derived from plants called latin Centella asiatica.

Another important benefit, giving a positive effect on the brain nerve stimulation, and facilitate the transport of blood in the vessels of the brain. Even at this time is used as a tonic to strengthen and improve the durability of the brain and nerves. This plant is also used orally or topically to increase blood circulation to the arms and legs, preventing varicose veins, and whiplash. In addition to help improve memory, mental, and stamina, antanan can also help balance the energy levels and decreased symptoms of stress and depression.

Various studies regarding the efficacy of gotu kola has been widely applied. Benefits associated with nerve and brain function has been proven through various studies. A total of 30 pediatric patients who suffer from mental weakness showed significant improvement after being treated with the herb gotu kola for 12 weeks. In adults and older use of Centella is very good to help strengthen the workings of the brain, improve memory, and combating fatigue.

Centella is also beneficial for children with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). This is due to a stimulatory effect on the brain thus increasing one's ability to more concentration and focus. Besides, it also has a relaxing effect on an overactive nervous system.

Other studies have shown, various diseases such as scleroderma, venous vascular disorders, as well as the average digestive disorders can be cured with a concoction that up to 80% after 2-18 months.

According to the book: medicinal plants in Indonesia, Volume I (Prof. HM Hembing Wijaya, 1992), the chemical properties of Centella asiatica and cool sweet taste and pharmacological effects of anti-infective, antitoxic, lowering hot water and bullets are chemically seni.Kandungan: asiaticoside, isonthankuniside, madecassoside, brahmoside, brahmic acid, madasiatic acid, meso-inositol, centellose, carotenoids, mineral salts (potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium, iron, vellarine, tannic substances). Triterpenoida glycoside compounds (asiaticoside) has properties of anti leprosy (Morbus Hansen).

With content that in such a way, antanan can cure infectious hepatitis, measles (measles), fever, inflammation of the tonsils (tonsillitis), sore throat, bronchitis, infections and urinary system stones, vomiting blood, coughing blood, nosebleeds, bloodshot eyes; hemorrhoids; pain stomach, intestinal worms, increase appetite, to dangerous diseases like leprosy.

Based on the description above, Centella asiatica is a plant that has many benefits and is easy to grow. Centella asiatica deserve what we call a wild plant that has magical properties. [***]


  1. Steve Flanagan // June 15, 2012 at 8:00 AM  

    Thanks for the post! I just planted three.