Did you know sweet potatoes? Sweet potato was different, depending on the tuber flesh color in it. There are white, some red, and there are purple.

Purple sweet potato food that is usually viewed as tacky or 'ndeso' or 'kampung'. Although food and plebeian 'ndeso' many health benefits to be gained from this sweet, even very far from today's modern food (fast food).

Sweet potato tubers which include cheap are rarely included in our family menu, whereas in the Western kitchen, sweet potatoes are excellent. On the big day of celebration, like Christmas and Thanksgiving Day, the U.S. population is commonly made of exclusive offerings such as sweet potato cakes, pastries, mashed complement steak or salad, ice cream, puddings, muffins, souffles, pancakes, croquettes, cream soups, as well as as a sprinkling of grilled dishes.

Purple sweet potato contain lysine, Cu, Mg, K, Zn average of 20%. He is also a source of carbohydrate and calorie source is quite high. Coupled with a good source of vitamins and minerals, vitamins contained in sweet potatoes, including vitamin A, vitamin C, thiamin (vitamin B1) and riboflavin. While the sweet potato minerals include iron (Fe), phosphorus (P), and calcium (Ca).

Another is the content of protein, fat, crude fiber and ash. The total content of the purple pigment (anthocyanin) varies at each plant and ranged from 20 mg/100 g to 600 mg/100 g wet weight. The total anthocyanin content of purple sweet potato is 519 mg/100 g wet weight.

The following are some health benefits of purple sweet potato:

1. purple sweet potato anthocyanins in useful as an antioxidant that can absorb air pollution, oxidation in the body and inhibits blood clotting so that the health of the blood flow more smoothly.
2. content of beta-carotene, vitamin E and C are useful as antioxidants preventing cancer and various cardiovascular diseases.
3. fiber and pectin in purple sweet potato is very good to prevent digestive disorders such as hemorrhoids, constipation to colon cancer.
4. purple sweet potato anthocyanins also have physiological functions such as antioxidant, anticancer, antibacterial, protection against liver damage, heart disease and stroke.
5. active substance content of selenium and iodine twenty higher than the other sweet, so sweet potato can be an anti-cancer purple.
6. purple yam has antioxidant and antibacterial activity of 2.5 and 3.2 times higher than in several varieties of "blueberry"
7. otherwise it can be used as a source kabohidrat for the body and as a natural food coloring.