The Magic of EGG

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Behind the nutrient deposits, the eggs are rich in contributing increase the body's cholesterol levels. It was gave rise to the suggestion to the then not eating eggs more than four times a week.

Based on recent research in the United States, the egg is one of the healthiest diet menu of proven over the past few decades. The egg is claimed not as the main cause of increased levels of cholesterol in the blood.

From the same study, low cholesterol eggs that claimed quite the rich vitamin D's role in bone formation. Increased cholesterol more due to the consumption of trans fat.

Nutritionist Amanda Ursell uncover, hard boiled egg breakfast or poach before the child leaves school benefit the energy and intelligence. The fetus also has a higher IQ when prospective mothers routinely consume two eggs every day.

The following five key benefits of eggs:

1. Quickly gives a sense of fullness
Eat eggs at breakfast help you lose weight significantly by cutting the daily caloric intake. Protein-rich foods make egg longer digested in the stomach.

Researchers at the center of the United States found that Obesity Rochester women who consume two boiled eggs for breakfast on the go, eat 400 calories less for the rest of the day over breakfast bread.

2. Educate the Brain
Two eggs with 550 milligrams daily choline during pregnancy will help the development of the fetal brain and produces a sharp memory in children. Choline is also important for the memory. Another source of choline include soy beans, chicken and salmon.

3. Reduce the risk of blindness due to age
Lutein present in eggs help improve eye health and reduce risk of age-related blindness.

4. Contains omega 3 fatty acids
Fat is extremely important to the development of eyes and hearing loss in children and brain function throughout life. The essential acids also help keep circulation and lower the risk of heart disease. Eggs with omega 3 also has less saturated fat.

5. Rich Protein
Grain egg contains 8 grams of protein, nutrients that are essential to keep skin stay toned and build muscle strength. Women needed 45 grams of protein a day and men need 55 grams, or about 2-3 rounds.