They are in a position to hide something puts her in danger. Guilt is just the beginning. Along with the guilt, they are lying, eliminating the truth or keep secrets at risk of health complications.

"For starters, lying releasing stress hormones. These hormones cause increased heart rate and respiration increase, digestion slows down, and hypersensitive in muscle fibers and nerve, "said MD Saundra Dalton-Smith, author of the Set Free to Live Free: Breaking Through the 7 Lies Women Tell Themselves.

The effect may not be serious, but over time, lying can cause conditions such as coronary heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, and heart failure. Why?

"Blood pressure increases the heart when you are lying. Here's what can threaten your life in a prolonged period of time, "said Dr. Smith, as quoted from Bettyconfidential.

As information, the link between blood pressure and lie detection tool as shown lies. Polygram or lie detector can accurately test the lies because the tool to measure a person's blood pressure.

May lie not rapidly make your stroke, but there is evidence that the more you lie, the easier You get disaster.

According to the results of research on November 12, 2010 by the Department of Psychology, University of Ghent in Belgium and has published the journal Consciousness and Cognition, "often say honestly make somebody tough lie, and often lie make someone easier lie."

"In other words, you reap what you sow. The more often You lied then the easier it is you do, as well as vice versa, "says Dr. Smith.

They are often lie or to save a big secret for many years may not feel any disturbance. However from time to time, they are significantly more at risk of poor health conditions.

It turns out, lying not only hurt someone in, but also your body.

"Rather than get caught up in a vicious circle of lies as in The film The Dilemma, the best ways is consistently honest," a suggestion of Dr. Smith.

As for lying in view of the ruling Islamic mosque and included into the traits of hypocrites. As in the Qur'an and the Hadith of the following:

1. QS. 5: 36 pm

36. And ye shall follow what you do not have any knowledge of him. Indeed, hearing, sight and the heart, they will be asked to answer coverage.

2. QS. 17: 18

18. There is a speech that he says but there is a nearby Angel of Trustees that is always present.

3. the Muslim by Al-Bukhaari narrated from Ibn Mas'ud

Honesty leads on virtue, virtue can carry to heaven. Real lies that drags human beings on the crime of crimes that can be dragged to hell. (lying bastard law)

4. Muslim by Al-Bukhaari narrated from ' Abd Allah ibn amr Ibn ash.

There are 4 things that belong to the pure hypocrisy, namely:

1. If given the trust he defected
2. If talking him lie/hoax
3. If the promised challenged
4. If the disputes he's cheating