Want to look beautiful? Not only using expensive cosmetics, simply by consuming the right fruits every day your skin and hair can appear healthy and bright. Ageless definitely in the can!

Many women vying for the secret keep skin bright and youthful despite advanced age. In fact, the secret to keep skin looking younger is not always the expensive cosmetics that you know! Simply by consuming some of the following types of fruit, skin and your hair will remain intact even if you are already advanced age.

Almost all of us know what it is mother's milk. Especially for us that when a baby sucking on the mother, or it could be sucking to others, such as aunt, aunt or someone who paid for it.

String of prayer for the new mother cradling her baby just helped initiate a hope for the baby grow into strong and healthy child. One attempt to establish a healthy child, of course, with the provision of proper nutritional intake. The best nutrition for newborns is breast milk (mother's milk).

Have you ever noticed when present at the airport a lot of people wearing white masks on their faces covered much greenness, they seek to equip themselves from attacks that increasingly spread swine flu. Many people will understand the condition of this.

So what happens if veiled Muslim women use veils masks shaped like the women in Saudi Arabia? People will issue various kinds of tendentious labels that are addressed to a Muslim woman.

But who would have thought, veil not only prevent a woman from the coveted 'wild eyes' man for fun, but also the symbol of faith in following the noble Islamic Shari'a as well as preventing from various diseases.

A study has revealed that the obsession with cleanliness could make a person depressed. Not only that, there are some habits that may think you are healthy it turns out it can make sick.

So you can be alert in order to avoid a health problem, know the habits of these four as reported by the Daily Mail:

1. Frequent baths
According to Nick Lowe, dermatologist from the Cranley Clinic in London, hot water combined with soap made from hard, can make dry skin and dehydration. In fact, according to most of us do not always need to wash thoroughly every day.

In general, many people do not know the secrets contained in its body. These facts may not have thought of, but one would be surprised if the know. The fact that never imagined.

The human body from head, neck, trunk body, 2 arms and 2 legs is an overall physical structure of the human organism. The size of the human body is usually influenced by genes, and as an adult's body consists of 100 billion cells that are designed to support the functions of each organ, such as cardiovascular, digestive, immune, respiration, excretion, urination, musculoskeletal, nervous, endocrine and reproductive.

Because it is hidden facts that are not known to many people on a human body, as quoted from HowStuffWorks, Wednesday (30/12/2009):

Did you know about Olives?

It seemed no one was familiar with the olive, although it may of us have never seen or consume them, as Muslims we are not familiar with it. Because Al-Qur'an in perpetuating as a blessed tree. So no wonder if this time the researchers as well as many modern scientists researching the benefits and efficacy of this olive tree. Ibn al-Qayyim al-Maad Jauziyah Zaadul explains in his book about the virtues of olive trees. :

This one fruit plants are often wild. Standing on the edge of the road and relatively do not need special treatment. Shape like an umbrella tree with small leaves, and allow people to take shelter under it.

When the fruit grows, it will appear small beads of green color in the leaves. When cooked, its color changed to red and very sweet taste. The children are usually very fond of this unique fruit.
Small fruit is often called a cherry.