Almost all of us know what it is mother's milk. Especially for us that when a baby sucking on the mother, or it could be sucking to others, such as aunt, aunt or someone who paid for it.

String of prayer for the new mother cradling her baby just helped initiate a hope for the baby grow into strong and healthy child. One attempt to establish a healthy child, of course, with the provision of proper nutritional intake. The best nutrition for newborns is breast milk (mother's milk).

BMS Privileges

Breast milk is the milk all at once the best food for human babies. No one even milk, although milk is a milk cow, goat, or other milk that has been formulated with a variety of nutrients, which can exceed the benefits of breast milk composition. The composition of breast milk has been adapted to the needs of each baby's early life.

On day-1 until day-4, the milk that comes out is the colostrum that is rich in protein that is able to maintain stamina

On day-1 until day-4, the milk that comes out is the colostrum that is rich in protein that is able to maintain stamina. On day-3 until approximately the 10th day, the milk that comes out is called the transition in which milk protein content decreased but the levels of carbohydrates, fats, and its volume increased. After day-10, mature breast milk which is the milk solids have been able to meet the needs of the baby's growth.

Milk composition is also different from each blast that comes out. Shot of the first, which came out in the first 5-10 minutes is called foremilk. It is more watery milk with lower fat content. Subsequent bursts called hind with the content of protein, carbohydrate, and fat is more complete. The first shot of it berkomposisi lighter for the baby's digestive more ready to receive breast milk with higher fat.

Breast feeding to infants exclusively for 6 months ie early in life and then forwarded up to 2 years with supplementary food.

Breastfeeding has many features including:

1. Milk is the most accurate and complete nutrition in every stage of your baby's growth from day to day. Although in the dairy cow (as milk samples are most often given to infants and children) also have the same nutritional components or (claimed) more than milk, but the composition and form of nutrient compounds are not able to match the content of nutrients in breast milk.

ASI has more than 200 biofactors system (integrated nutrients in proper amount and ratio) that can generate growth and development of nutrition and protection / optimal endurance. For example, the lactose content in milk is more easily digested by the digestion of lactose have babies than cow's milk because it contains materials as the material forming lactase lactase enzyme that functions to break lactose into simpler compounds that are more easily digested by the baby's digestion. If lactose is not digested by the baby's digestive, what happens is diarrhea and even vomiting that is often experienced by infants who consume cow's milk.

2. Breast milk contains protective factors (protective) so that babies who receive breast milk have a better immune system so rarely exposed to the disease.

3. No babies are allergic to milk because of immunoglobulins in colostrum than as antibacterial also serves to prevent the absorption of foreign macromolecules that can trigger allergies.

4. Based on the study, children who breastfed generally have more intelligence than children who do not breast-fed exclusively.

5. For the mother, breastfeeding may accelerate the downsizing of the uterus and prevent postpartum hemorrhage through the mechanism of the hormone oxytocin. In addition, breastfeeding can reduce the risk of breast cancer and ovarian cancer.

6. Breastfeeding can strengthen the emotional bond between mother and baby. The baby will feel safe and comfortable in his mother's arms. Strong bonds of affection which can provide positive effects on psychological development of children.

7. Milk is always available, practical, sterile, and always in the right temperature to drink.

8. There need not be provided special funds to "buy" milk because breast milk can be obtained for free from the mother is not as infant formula.

Early Initiation of Breastfeeding

One key to early success of exclusive breastfeeding program is to implement the Early Initiation of Breastfeeding. Early Initiation of Breastfeeding is part of the normal birth process in which infants born within one hour of his life ditelungkupkan directly above the mother's abdomen and left to seek his own mother's nipple, without the help of anyone.

With the instinct of smell, usually the baby will find his mother's nipple after 30-50 minutes. After that, the sucking reflex which held the baby in the womb will soon be used again. Early Initiation of Breastfeeding The process continues by letting the baby suckle at least half an hour.

Once born, the baby's umbilical cord is cut and her body is cleaned of dirt. Without dibedong, baby directly in the chest or abdomen ditengkurapkan mother with direct contact between the skin of babies with mother's skin (skin to skin contact). Mother and baby wrapped together. This condition will cause the warmth and bonding. No need to worry about baby's skin will be cold because the mother's chest who just gave birth to a temperature one degree warmer than mothers who do not deliver. If the baby is cold, his body temperature will automatically rise two degrees. Once the baby is too hot, the skin temperature will adjust to the mother was down one degree.

Natural temperature regulation in the skin to skin contact when the Early Initiation of Breastfeeding, according to dr. Utami Roesli, Sp.A., MBA, IBCLCC, chairman of the Indonesian Lactation Center, better than the usual incubator tool used to warm the baby. Furthermore, babies are left to find your own mother's nipple and sucked it down at least 30 minutes. Exit or absence of breast milk at that time was not a problem. What is important is to give the baby a chance to run the instinct to look for feed that is his mother's nipple.

Early Initiation of Breastfeeding provides several benefits for both mother and baby. Benefits include:

1. Babies get essential nutrients contained in the colostrum, so avoid the various diseases that befall him vulnerable.

2. Early Initiation of Breastfeeding provides greater opportunities for baby to get exclusive breastfeeding until age 6 months because since the beginning of the baby is introduced to the mother's nipple so that will be familiar and easier to suck milk. Nipple sucking technique is right to launch further milk production so it is likely to have problems with breastfeeding mothers getting smaller.

3. Accelerating the cessation of bleeding after delivery on the mother through the mechanism of stimulation of uterine muscle contraction. Therefore, the mother's womb will more quickly return to normal.

Breastfeeding: A Special Gift from mother to the Baby

After exposure on top of the milk, then with the intention and strong determination to 'print' a healthy generation, the mothers who are willing and able to provide breast milk exclusively to children, means have given a very special gift for her baby. Lots of women who willingly and gladly give cow's milk in children with a variety of reasons that actually still be overcome.

Even if the mother is unable to provide her own breast milk to her baby because of medical problems (which was established diagnoses by doctors, especially practitioners of lactation), it is still no way of breastfeeding through other women (mothers milk). Most important in this case, the mother should have the intention to always provide the best for her baby. And the best milk is breast milk, not milk the other.