Have you ever noticed when present at the airport a lot of people wearing white masks on their faces covered much greenness, they seek to equip themselves from attacks that increasingly spread swine flu. Many people will understand the condition of this.

So what happens if veiled Muslim women use veils masks shaped like the women in Saudi Arabia? People will issue various kinds of tendentious labels that are addressed to a Muslim woman.

But who would have thought, veil not only prevent a woman from the coveted 'wild eyes' man for fun, but also the symbol of faith in following the noble Islamic Shari'a as well as preventing from various diseases.

Did you know? now 'temporary veil' worn a lot of people in preventing the flu and air pollution problems.

women do not need to wear medical masks to prevent the flu virus if they have been wearing hijab properly, including wearing a veil / niqob

Saudigazzete reported bahwakini woman does not need to wear medical masks to prevent the flu virus if they have been wearing hijab properly, including wearing a veil / niqob provided free of germs and disease, doctors said Dr Dalal Namnagani, in Arabia.

But you also must know the tricks for hijab we really be able to shield themselves from the curse of Allah but also from the attack of various diseases. For example, the veil should be washed and worn dirapihkan advance, and Muslim friends should also guard against others who may be leaving the bacteria causing the vulnerability is contaminated by swine flu virus, "he explained Dr. Dalal Namnagani.

Many families are pleased with the call for the Islamic ummah awareness campaign by inviting their families to wear masks in public places, because it is the Shari'a of Allah with a Muslim woman wearing the hijab ordered really perfect presents many blessings .. Subhan Allah ...

Prophet said, "No prayer accepted except adult women who wear Khimar (headscarf) (Narrated by Ahmad, Abu Daud, Tirmidhi, bn Majah) The Prophet said," No prayer accepted except adult women who wear Khimar (headscarf) (Narrated by Ahmad, Abu Daud, Tirmidhi, bn Majah)

Veil Prevent Disease

Scientific research has found contemporary Praise be to Allaah women who are not veiled or dressed but tight, or transparent potentially experience a variety of malignant cancer all over his body members are open.

British medical magazine launched the results of scientific research by quoting a few facts, among them that milanoma malignant cancer at an early age, and increasing and spreading to the legs.

The primary reason for this malignant cancer is tight clothing worn by the daughters of the sun, in a long time after many years. Even the nylon socks they wear, not at all helpful in keeping their legs from the attack malignant cancer.

The primary reason for this malignant cancer is tight clothing worn by the daughters of the sun, in a long time after many years

The disease is sometimes the whole body and with different levels. As a small sphere, mostly in areas generally foot or calf, in the area around the eye, then spread to all parts of the body along with growth in areas that are commonly seen, engagement spleen (the area above the thighs), and attacks the blood, and settled in liver and cause damage.

Even well as on the bone, and the inside of the chest and abdomen because of the two kidneys, until the causes of black urine due to kidney damage due to attack this cancer disease, ironically also attack the fetus in the womb of the mother who was pregnant.

And it's increasingly clear that veiled Muslim women clothing big and not too tight to be part of preventive measures so as not to hit "adzab world" like the above mentioned diseases, and also attack the doom of the Hereafter is far more devastating and painful future.

Subhanallah, the real Islamic law which God gave to us humans is not a command without meaning it? I love Islam full ....