A study has revealed that the obsession with cleanliness could make a person depressed. Not only that, there are some habits that may think you are healthy it turns out it can make sick.

So you can be alert in order to avoid a health problem, know the habits of these four as reported by the Daily Mail:

1. Frequent baths
According to Nick Lowe, dermatologist from the Cranley Clinic in London, hot water combined with soap made from hard, can make dry skin and dehydration. In fact, according to most of us do not always need to wash thoroughly every day.

2. Nighttime sleep
According to Professor Jim Horn of the Center for Sleep Studies and Loughborough University, slept for eight hours can lead to fatigue. No need to torture yourself to get to sleep again, if you suddenly wake up at night.
Do something like read a book. The body will 'tell' you when you want to sleep. Things you should know a short nap for 4 to 15 minutes, its effectiveness is better than sleep for an hour at night.

3. Rinsing after tooth brush
Phil Stemmer, a dentist from the Centre for Healthy Breath in London, advised against too much rinsing after brushing your teeth. That's because it can sweep the fluoride-based protective coating is also applied in conjunction with your toothpaste.

He also suggested, it is important to not immediately brush your teeth immediately after eating. Food will make the enamel on the teeth become softer, and it takes about half an hour to harden again. Brush immediately after eating can rake tooth enamel.

4. Taking excessive breath
Therapist and head of the Society for Stress Management, UK, Neil Shah claimed that adults tend to use excessive respiratory chest. As a result, the air trapped at the bottom of the lungs.

People have to breathe with the belly, do it regularly and rhythmically, making the 12-20 cycles per minute, with short pauses between takes and exhale.