Did you know about Olives?

It seemed no one was familiar with the olive, although it may of us have never seen or consume them, as Muslims we are not familiar with it. Because Al-Qur'an in perpetuating as a blessed tree. So no wonder if this time the researchers as well as many modern scientists researching the benefits and efficacy of this olive tree. Ibn al-Qayyim al-Maad Jauziyah Zaadul explains in his book about the virtues of olive trees. :

Allah He will say: "The lighted with oil from a blessed tree, (ie) olive trees do not grow on the east side nor on the west, whose oil it is almost luminous, though no fire touched" (An-Nuur: 35)

Imam Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah narrated with a jayyid isnads, from the hadeeth of Abu Hurairah, the Prophet of Allaah be upon us Shalallahu said:

"Eat olive oil and rub with him, because he comes from a blessed tree"

OLIVE (Olea europaea) is an annual small trees and evergreen, the young fruit can be eaten raw or after preserved can be used as a refresher. The old fruit is squeezed and the oil is extracted into olive oil that can be used for various purposes. The quality of olive oil depends on the quality of olive fruit. Results Juice of ripe fruit that is best. Oil of unripe olives are cold and dry. Oil from olives and medium-quality red from black olives have a hot and humid nature in balance.

Olive began to bear fruit at the age of five years and can reach thousands of years old, so that was the shrub has become a big tree. Olive trees thousands of years old of whom has ever been found in Palestine which survived until 2000 years.
Distribution includes hot climate regions to temperate climate. Most species can be found in Asia and the Mediterranean region. The plant was still allied with jasmine (Jasminum sambac). Olives are grouped into tribes Oleaceae

Benefits of Olive Tree and Fruit

Olives are salty water good for scarring due to fire and strengthens gums.

Olive leaf is used to treat wounds, itching and prevent perspiration.

Wood of olive trees are also very good, loud and beautiful young fruit can be eaten, it feels good. Olive fruit is also used as food flavoring. Preserved fruit is used as a tonic and is often used as a mixture of dishes such as salads, pizza, Greek mezze from or to a mixture of Spanish tapas.

Olives is the richest source of oleic acid (oleic acid), can help reduce the appearance of fine lines. This fatty acid can be rubbery skin and protects skin from damage elastin. It is none other than because of an olive oil containing 15% so as to moisturize the skin well. The humidity will keep the skin elasticity so as to minimize the appearance of premature wrinkles.

Producing fruit juice Olive oil can be used to:

Salad seasoning.

olive useful to speed up the process of digestion.

Increase metabolism

Eating 1 / 2 cup olive fruit every day to prevent obesity. Benefits come from monounsaturated fats that accelerate fat burning and prevent the sugar is converted into fat. In addition, an in the British Journal of Nutrition found that monounsaturated fatty acids stimulate cholecystokini, a type of appetite-suppressing hormone which sends satiety signals to the brain.

Clinically, the olive also has a function as the prevention of colon cancer, bladder disease, heart disease, and able to be able to lower cholesterol.

Smooth Skin

Olive oil is widely used as a cosmetic ingredient that can maintain the smoothness, moisture and firmness that is believed to make the skin youthful. Olive oil to benefit its own, if applied in the face, especially for the face and began to dry wrinkled.


Apply evenly pure olive oil to the surface face up to the neck every night and let stand to do a little massage as the oil can also help relax the tension in the facial muscles after fatigue activity. If done regularly, the skin will look fresher.

How to use can also be mixed with other ingredients, like avocado.


* Avocado mixed with three tablespoons of olive oil and then blend. Rub mixture all over face, leave ten minutes and rinse. The result, which was originally dry skin will feel moist in a relatively long time.

* Massage on the loose with a mixture of olive oil and fresh orange juice before bed can reduce the level of kekeriputan.

Likewise, for health care for the skin on the body as a whole, olive oil can be applied before bathing. Massage with olive oil on the tense muscles due to daily activities that are too heavy to loosen the muscle.

For young mothers (sisters) who was pregnant with olive oil even this can be used to lubricate the stomach that is sometimes itchy and reduce wrinkles around the abdomen when the diligent use it.

Improving blood circulation.

Olives are a special source of polyphenols, antioxidant compounds that help prevent dangerous blood clotting. A study in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology "linking these compounds with elevated levels of nitric oxide, a molecule that increases the heart healthy blood vessel dilation and blood flow.

Helpful to relieve poison (detoxification) and issued a worm.

As Antioxidants

Olive oil contains vitamin E that is needed to stop the damage to the cells that lead to cancer. Also, contains polyphenols that act as free radical penghadang. This is evidenced by Dimitros Trichopoulus, professor of the Harvard School of Public Health in the U.S. who investigate the relationship between the amount of olive oil consumption with breast cancer growth. From studies involving 2300 women at least known that women who consume olive oil more than once a day have a chance of developing breast cancer 25% lower than women who consume less olive oil. And the fact that the Egyptian and Mediterranean women less breast cancer than American women.

Nourish hair

Arab women greased their hair with olive oil before bed and then wash the next day making it black and thick, not easily fall out and long, also inhibits the growth of gray hair.

Own olive oil waste can still be used as fuel, fertilizer, pet food and lubricating oils