All of us would want a healthy body and look younger right? No need to go to a beauty salon or fitness group that is mushrooming today. In addition will also take no small cost we will incur.

The most expensive and most easily carried out is on foot.

Walking turned out to not only create a healthy body only. Activities that one can also make the body stay young inside and out. This happens because by walking, the cells of our body will get enough oxygen and the production of collagen is more active. This is beneficial for the skin because the humidity is always awake.

Kerrie L. Moreau, PhD, a researcher from the University of Colorado, said: "Sports, such as walking or jogging, can facilitate the circulation of oxygen and blood circulation. With a smooth blood, nutrients throughout the skin tissue is not impeded. Smoothness of oxygen and nutrients are two requirements important in the process of collagen production, "said Moreau.

Special note of Moreau, the study involved volunteers who were women pascamenopouse who are undergoing hormone therapy. For women who are not in therapy, custom foot shown to make blood vessels more elastic than 35 percent of young women who never exercised.

You must already know that walking can make the body strong that delay aging. Benefits of walking did not stop there alone, walking it also can increase connectivity in brain circuits.

The new facts revealed from the results of studies at the University of Illinois. According to the doctor who led the study, dr. Arthur F. Kramer, brain tissue was not connected properly to help what a person does when get older.

"But we found aerobic fitness function, tissue (brain) into a coherent," said dr. Arthur, as quoted by Reuters.

This study was conducted of 70 seniors from age 60 to 80 years for a year. The object of study is divided into three groups, namely group toning, stretching and strengthening muscles.

According to dr. Arthur, great benefits occur in those who are in a group walking and aerobics. Not only the fitness benefits, but also increase brain function.

"Aerobic group also increased memory, attention and other cognitive processes," said dr. Arthur.

Through the function of magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), dr. Arthur did the comparison between the seniors group with the group aged 20 to 30 years. The result was quite surprising.

"As a parent in the group runs into more suitable, coherence between different regions in the network increases and becomes equal to their 20-year-old,"

"Since the seniors in the group runs into more healthy, coherence between different regions in the network increases and becomes similar to those aged 20 years," said dr. Arthur.

Therefore, what are you waiting ... let us multiply the sports activities or daily activities on foot from now on ... ***