There are many ways to lose weight, start reducing the size of the meal, diet or exercise. But at least there are 5 ways to lose weight without dieting or exercise. What?
Increase the activity or exercise is the best way to burn calories and lose weight. But for people who do not have much time, how it can not be the first choice.

Drinking coffee is a popular habit among us, both for western societies, and communities east. Various groups do not recognize caste, degree, dignity in a society much like it. Start of construction workers, domestic servants to the office employees, officials, and the president with his ministers or kings and queens though.

So drinking coffee is a habit that has been popular in the community. Here are some tips for coffee enthusiasts.

Irritation, red-red, itching and odor is a nuisance that can occur because not diligent in cleaning Miss V. Female sex organs are vulnerable to bacteria because it is part of the body that is often damp because of the lack of air circulation.
Therefore, it is very important to maintain cleanliness and hygiene in the area around the vagina in order to avoid the various venereal diseases that may be dangerous. Do it quite simple and not difficult. Provided you are patient and routine, the impact will be very useful for the health of sex organs in the long run.

Did you know sweet potatoes? Sweet potato was different, depending on the tuber flesh color in it. There are white, some red, and there are purple.

Purple sweet potato food that is usually viewed as tacky or 'ndeso' or 'kampung'. Although food and plebeian 'ndeso' many health benefits to be gained from this sweet, even very far from today's modern food (fast food).


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THERE are two newspapers that you can know about headaches. The good news, the food is delicious, hot weather, even a colleague, or boss can cause headaches. While the bad news, the risk of headache attacks can be reduced.

What causes headaches and how to cure? Genius Beauty review it for you.

Stress caused migraine

Anything that increased stress can cause headaches that gives tension or migraine. Headache associated with increased sensitivity neural pathways in the brain, which transfers the pain.

All of us would want a healthy body and look younger right? No need to go to a beauty salon or fitness group that is mushrooming today. In addition will also take no small cost we will incur.

The most expensive and most easily carried out is on foot.

Walking turned out to not only create a healthy body only. Activities that one can also make the body stay young inside and out. This happens because by walking, the cells of our body will get enough oxygen and the production of collagen is more active. This is beneficial for the skin because the humidity is always awake.

the Magic Plant, CENTELLA ASIATICA.. [Ginko Biloba Indonesian version]
(Improve memory, very good for kids ...*)

The Magic Indian pennywort

This plant is a plant native to Indonesia who are spread throughout Southeast Asia and islands throughout the Indonesian Ocean. This plant is known as Indian pennywort. In addition to this plant Centella asiatica has a name based on the mention in their respective areas such as antanan, panegowang, Rendeng, antenan big, kos-tekosan, Centella asiatica, kori-kori.

In Islamic medicine honey is known, other than to cure various diseases as well as for food additives.

"From the belly of bees came out of liquids with different colors, in it there is healing for mankind." (Surah An-Nahl: 69)

Honey is food containing various nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, dextrin, plant pigments and Aromatic components. Even from the results of expert research Nutrition and food, honey contains a carbohydrate which is highest among the other livestock products are milk, eggs, meat, cheese and menterga approximately (82.3% higher) Every 100 grams of pure honey is worth 294 calories or the ratio of 1000 grams honey pure equivalent to 50 chicken eggs or 5.675 liters of milk or 1680 grams of meat. From the results of a recent study found the substances or compounds that are in the honey is very complex, which reached 181 species.